Selasa, 30 November 2010


Date of Experience
16th November 2010
Venue Experience
Serasa Beach
Purpose of Experience
To experience kayaking.

What was the highlight of the experience?
The highlight was to experience teamwork in the kayaking with our partner and meet other member of BEACA from different group such as Sandpipers, Egrets, Plovers and Curlews.
Before we start kayaking, we were given information on how to do kayaking including on how to position our hand on the paddle.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
I only worry that if the boat flips over in the middle of kayaking. This is because my friend and I can’t swim. Even we wearing the life jacket but we still don’t know what to do if it is happen. But luckily before doing the kayaking, we were given demonstration on how to handle that kind of situation. This makes us to be confident and didn’t feel panic if it is really happen.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
Firstly, I was surprised about the distance for kayaking. It is my first time to experience this kayaking with longest distance of km with only two check point of rest and I could not believe that I can manage to do this kayaking until finished.

Secondly about the trash or rubbish that found at the island. We found many different types of rubbish that washed by the wave and stuck at the island. The rubbish is such as bottle, toys, packaging, soft drinks, containers and many more, but the most one is the plastic bag. We found the plastic bag everywhere at the island and some of it was buried by sand.

Thirdly is about the fish that found at the island. We’re surprised that there were many fish found at the shore. But it is difficult to catch as it can hide in the sand. None of us can catch the fish even we all try together to catch it with many techniques such as using bucket, surround it and slow walking towards it, but the result is disappointed.
After finished the kayaking activity, I saw my legs became red and feel like burn. I thought that it just normal and just ignore it. But at the next day, I cannot standing straight even walking as it feel pain to move. I went to doctor and he said that it was sunburn. Then I remember that I wear short pants in the kayaking activity and only used the sun block on my hands, face and neck. But I forget to give it on my legs.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Use sun block to prevent sun burn. Remember to give sun block to all part of your body before doing the kayaking activity especially to the expose part such as hands, face, neck and legs. If not you will feel suffer as I did already experience it. It will make you difficult to concentrate on your reading for the exam as it feel itchy and hot like hot water touch to your skin.

  1. Never panic if the boat flip over or something happen in the middle of kayaking. Try to calm down and try to solve it by yourself as you already learn it from the demonstration before the kayaking was started.  

  1. Try not to pollute the environment with rubbish. This is because rubbish can affect the beautiful landscape of the surrounding to become worse. Also some of the rubbish is not good for the environment such as plastic bag.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
I think this is the best water sports for people to experience it. Because it’s not only for fun but also helps to exercise our hands and shoulders. Moreover, you may see the surrounding of the river or sea with beautiful green colour of trees and also birds flying from the island. Even it is tiring activity and made my legs burn but it didn’t let me down to do it again for another kayaking activity.   

Isnin, 22 November 2010


Date of Experience
14th November 2010
Venue Experience
Wasan Paddy field
Purpose of Experience
To know types of bird that found in Brunei.

What was the highlight of the experience?
The highlight was to see different types of bird that found in Wasan paddy field.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
Some of people didn’t like to experience themself in bird watching. This is because of difficult to find the bird and its need time to see it appear/ emerge. Nowadays, people just can see it easily at Tamu Kianggeh (selling birds) or in TV. But when you experience it by yourself, you will feel it different. You will try to closer the bird and curious to know the name. With the help of some expert people from Brunei Museum, there were no problems for us to recognize the bird.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
There were many different types of bird found at Wasan paddy field such as pacific swallow, little egret, common sandpiper, pipit Labuan, plumed egret, cattle egret, wood sandpiper and wondering whistling duck.

I thought that egret had one type of species only but surprisingly there were many species of it found with different characteristic and name. For example like great egret, little egret and plumed egret. These birds were different in colour of beak and leg. Also different in height. With these different appearances, it helps us to recognize easily the types of bird.

Before we went home, I saw many birds were in the mud of paddy field. Surprisingly, even the farmer doing his work with his noisy machine, the birds were still at their place and didn’t fly away.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. To identify the bird, we have to see the colour and the height of the bird.

  1. If you want to see the bird, try not to use bright colour clothes. This is because bird will feel themself in danger and could make them fly away. The better clothe is by wearing less bright colour clothes or like farmer clothe, so that you can have a chance to see the bird closely as they didn’t realise you.  

  1. The best way to see the bird is by using DSLR camera. This is because camera can capture a picture of bird rather than using binocular. Also if you are using camera, you can play it back and zoom in to the part you want. Moreover, you wouldn’t miss the bird even if it is flying faster on the sky. This also depends on the zoom in and the quality of the camera. If you have high megapixel and zoom in, then you will have a good picture of bird.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
I will try to encourage other people to experience in bird watching and make them love animal that lives in this world especially birds. As we know that in this few years, many birds were suffered died because of viruses. I think we have to save and protect birds before it become extinct.  


Sabtu, 13 November 2010


Types of plant that found from both site;

                                                    (Simpur plant)

                                                   (Resam plant)


                                                     (Ixora plant)

                                                    (Putat laut)

Animals/ insects that found from both site;


                                  (A kind of lizard climb up to the tree)

Date of Experience
22nd October 2010 (Diplomatic site) & 5th November 2010 (Mentiri site).
Venue Experience
Diplomatic site & Mentiri site.
Purpose of Experience
To experience jungle trekking and learn about the habitat that lives in the jungle.

What was the highlight of the experience?
The highlight was to teach us on how we can organize our group members and take responsibility on our role. Also to familiar us with different types of plant and try not to pollute the nature with rubbish or other thing.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
In Diplomatic site, before we enter the jungle, I was thinking that we will get lost in the jungle. Because as mention there were 2 people had been lost in the jungle and found after few hours later.
In the jungle we only depend on marker that used by our leader and sweeper. But unfortunately the markers were too small and can’t see it clearly as the colour was almost the same like nature colour. This made us hard to find and takes time to search for the markers.
Our activity was started at the afternoon and finish before the sun fall. As our group didn’t bring touch light, we had made decision that to speed up our walk and just take few stop to rest for energize with drinks.
In the journey, only one of use had face a problem of muscle cramp. But in few minutes later she feels fine and still can walk by itself. Then we came out from the jungle and another of her leg cramp again. Luckily we already came out before the sun fall. We didn’t worry anymore as we already outside of the jungle. I was proud that she still managed to walk even it felt hurt by the cramp. May be this is because she didn’t want to disappoint us and burden to her teammates.

In Mentiri site, as the jungle trekking was postponed to the next week, I was worried that our marker will fall/gone. But luckily the marker were still stick around the tree.
Also I was worried that the tree from above us will fall and hit our group. So I told my group not to touch any trees and try to avoid from bad incident happen.
Another thing was about a pig. In recce day, we found a spot of it eating place. I was worried that if the pig came out and attack us. As we (Islam people) cannot touch it and cannot harm animal. I think it is good ideas for us to climb nearest tree as possible and try not to separate from each other. Luckily we didn’t see a pig in our trekking but only see other animal.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
In Diplomatic site, I’m enjoyed seeing different types of tree that all around and some of the tree had big leaves. I’m surprised that there was rubbish left by last semester of beaca student. This not only makes the landscape worse but also can affect the environment.
I found animal like kind of lizard climb to the tree (picture above). After taking the picture, the animal then gone quickly. I hope that I can see it again because at that time I only can see black like a shadow. Also I cannot identify it because the picture was not clear enough.

In Mentiri site, firstly I was surprised about the place. There has a beautiful view of landscape from the car park. Secondly I was surprised about the trek. Even we had already clear the dead tree from the trek before. But then another dead tree was blocking our way. This made us to find another way to continue our trekking. Thirdly I was surprised to see big tree. Just before, I’m only saw it in TV but this time I’m experience it by myself and see it closely. Lastly, I heard a sound that come from bushes and I ask my group to stop moving. I’m remembered about the pig and try to aware it. But then we saw some kind of lizard move faster in front of me and hide to other bushes.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Team work. Never leave our teammates and do your responsibility that had been given. Also try our best not to burden our own teammate

  1. There were many different types of plant that found in the jungle such as “Tongkat ali”, “Halia”, “Resam”, “Putat laut”, "Simpur", "Ixora" and many more. Also there were many different types of insect that found in the jungle such as Ant, dragon fly, mosquito and many more.

  1. Must have leader /instructor to guide us. This is because we are not familiar at that place and may be we will get lost in the jungle. Also try not to wear short shirt and trouser because you will get scratches after came out from the jungle trekking.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
Even it was tiring activity but I feel happy that we came out from the jungle safely. There were many different types of nature that found in the jungle that can show to other people.
From this experience you will never feel afraid to go into the jungle because you know already what to do like marking onto the tree. Which this will help led you to your way and back to where you start. And also remember to appreciate the nature and not to pollute it.
If people want to see big tree why not we just show them at Mentiri site and they don’t have to waste money to go overseas to see big tree.

Ahad, 7 November 2010

TREE PLANTING PART 2 (Report on Maintenance)

Date of Experience
10th October 2010 – 7th November 2010
Venue Experience
Around the water tank, at back of UBD campus along road from UBD library to back access to UBD.
Purpose of Experience
A report about tree planting and how to keep the tree grow well.

What was the highlight of the experience?
The highlight was to see the condition of my own trees (at hilly) and steps taken to make my trees grow well.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
Three times a week I always came to see my trees and watering it except if it is raining. After few days of planting trees, I found all my trees in a good condition except only one tree. Which the bottom leaves of my tree was started to become brownish. I didn’t know why it happened and turns like this. So I asked my friend about this problem. My friend told me that may be the tree is not enough water. So I just give more water to my tree. Luckily after few days later, I found that my tree back to normal. From this experience I found that even the place is raining but we still have to watering it because the water will flow to downstairs and dry faster as it at hilly land.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
I saw some of my friends give fertilizer on top of their tree soil. They said that this fertilizer will help their own trees to grow well and fertile the soil. So I follow the same way like them by giving fertilizer on top of my tree soil.
The Lecturer told us that we have to put coconut leaves around the plant because to protect the tree from harsh weather and avoid the land from dry. As I give the coconut leaves around the tree, I’m surprised that I don’t have to give more water because the land was already damp.
As the lecturer said that we have to protect our own tree from direct sunlight. I just use the bushes to protect my plant because the bushes were long enough to cover my trees.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Always give more water to the tree that planted at the hilly place. Because the place was easily dry than other land. Even the place was always raining; the water will not stay on top but will flow to downstairs. The best way to plant tree is at a level surface.

  1. Give more fertilizer on top of the tree because it will help the plant to grow well and the soil will fertile.

  1. Use coconut leaves as to avoid the land/soil from dry.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
Even this is my first time planting trees but I was so excited that my tree in a good condition. I have learned many things which are not only from my lecturer but also from my friends. From my experience of caring this plant, I think I can share it to my family and other friends.

Jumaat, 29 Oktober 2010


Date of Experience
15th October 2010
Venue Experience
Wasan Paddy field
Purpose of Experience
Learn how to harvest paddy.

What was the highlight of the experience?
Before we start harvesting paddy, we’re giving information about the different types of paddy and insect. The owner mention that Brunei had it own paddy, which the name of the paddy is Padi Laila. It is the first paddy that produces and plant in Brunei. After that, we go into the paddy field. The owner gives us some explanation on how to cut the paddy and show us the correct way to harvest.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
There were many different types of insect found in the paddy field such as root feeders, leaf feeders, stem feeders, sap-feeders and grain feeders. We’re lucky that there is no leach in the paddy field and no one get injure.

As we go into the paddy field, I was worried about how will we get out from the paddy field which almost all both of my boots was stuck in the mud. But luckily the owner gives us some tips to prevent from stuck in the mud. The owner said that we can steps around the paddy as the land was little harder than the other land.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
Before I entered the Wasan paddy field, I thought that the paddy field was only in a small scale of land. But surprisingly it is bigger than I thought. The paddy field was planted in a very big and wide area of land. I can see that at the right and left side of the road was full by paddy planting. There were too many paddies planted at Wasan paddy field which had made us (our team) difficult to know where the exact paddy that we want to harvest.

There were many different types of paddy at Wasan field such as Padi Wangi sari ( Pandan Wangi), Padi Pusu, Padi Bandul Berminyak, Padi Adan and Padi Laila.

In the working of harvesting, we’re using sickle to cut the paddy. I didn’t realise that we had spent about one and half hour in the paddy field without any break. Surprisingly, we’re didn’t feel tired while doing the work. I feel just like normal and fun. May be just because we’re did it in a team and together go into paddy field.

Amazingly, we’re harvesting the paddy until the two big plastic bags and a small one was full.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Team work. Because if we did it in a team work, it will make our work faster and easier.

  1. The easy way to get out from the muddy field is by twisted our leg, then try to lift up slowly until you feel free to move. The better way to avoid from stuck in the muddy field is by stepping on the top of the root of paddy or step on the surrounding of paddy.

  1. It is difficult to care the paddy until it can be harvest. In order to get a good quality and value of paddy, the most important thing is that the farmer has to protect their plant from insect (pest) and also from animals like birds.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
Growing paddy is not just that easy, we must have patient in order to get benefits.
When I cut the first paddy and hold it in my hand, I feel that the paddy was like my own paddy. Just imagine if the land of the paddy is yours and you will see the paddy blown by the wind. You will feel satisfy because you have done well. This is not only to make money but also to help feed people in Brunei and increase the economy. As we know that oil is our main resource revenue, it is not impossible that paddy will become our second resource revenue.
I will tell people who are interest in paddy about my experience of what I have Learned from this activity.

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010


Date of Experience
10th October 2010.
Venue Experience
Around the water tank, at back of UBD campus along road from UBD library to back access to UBD.
Purpose of Experience
Learn to plant trees and reduce carbon dioxide.

What was the highlight of the experience?
If carbon dioxide is increases in the atmosphere, it will cause climate change. In order to decrease carbon dioxide, we as human who love nature have to plant many trees and take care of it until it grows well.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
I was worried about the trees that I plant on top of the hill. Which the place was very difficult to dig and hard like a rock.  

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
I was surprised about how to plant a tree. Before the tree is put into the hole, I’ll have to put the two fertilizers in the holes first (which I had already dig), then the tree will be place on top of the two fertilizers and lastly buried the tree root.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Planting a tree is not that easy without tools. By using tools it can make our work faster.

  1. The very important thing is that we have to know about the place first. Whether it is suitable or not for plant. Sometimes the soil is not fertile and we must give the fertilizer.

  1. The tree should have enough sunlight and water, so it will grow well.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
By planting more trees like this, I hope that the carbon dioxide will decreases and no global warming will occur. Also I will try to encourage my family and friends to start planting trees.  

Isnin, 4 Oktober 2010


Date of Experience
17th September 2010
Venue Experience
Mitsubishi Central Lecture Theatre, UBD
Purpose of Experience
To know about Polar girl experience and the environment in the South Pole.

What was the highlight of the experience?
It is about the adventure of Dk Najibah Eradah PAM Al-Sufri with her team in the South Pole. She was the first woman and Bruneian people who went to Antarctica. She came back home safely on 30th January 2010 and made history for Brunei. She shared her experience and gives motivational to inspire youth in Brunei.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
Before they start their mission, they have to pass all the tests given which including Physical. The preparation is important which they have to bring such as platypus, gorilla mask, spork, sewing kit, goggles, buff, windproof gloves, first aid, poo bags and etc.

The journey was about 910km and takes 38 days to finish. There was no ozone and no animal live in the South Pole. The surrounding was very cold and very slippery, so they have to walk slowly. As there was direct sunlight without clouds above them, they have to use mask to cover their face and prevent them from sun burn.

The only difficult time in their journey is they have to face the great storm. From her view, the storm is not because of the global warming but because of the hill and slope (dunes). The wind blow was so strong until their camp broke down. They come out and together help to built back the broken camp.

Finally they reach the Geographic South Pole at 11.09pm on the 29th December 2010. Surprisingly there were no people get injure and they come back home safely.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
1)    They didn’t left anything behind which can pollute the environment. Although their own waste, they use Poo bags to store it.

2)   Even she is in hard time, she still manages to get ‘Wudhu’. She does the prayer in the South Pole with the help of a device.

3)   There were no ozone and no animal at the South Pole. From the slide of polar girl we can see that the surrounding was clear. There were no habitant can live in such cold weather and the only we can see that the white snow.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Always work hard and get ready in whatever condition or situation (be proactive).

  1. Teamwork is very important. You will never feel alone when you in a group and have to help each other. They divided their work so that make it easier and faster.

  1. Never exist “give up” in mind and always think positive.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
This show that female can do what male can do. There no excuses for Muslim people to leave their prayer even in the expedition. We have to appreciate the nature and never pollute it even a single waste or rubbish. So there will no global warming and climate change happen.

Isnin, 13 September 2010


In this assignment I'm focusing on travel from my home (Gadong) to UBD by using transport of bus and car. I'm using the nearest bus stop to go to UBD and the number of the bus is 58. In order to get bus I have to wake up early and wait it arrives at bus stop. As mention I have to calculate the cost of fuel, money, maintenance and carbon emission by car compared with by bus.

By Car;
From my home (Gadong) to UBD if using highway it will takes about 13 minutes. The distant of UBD from my place is about 10km which the total of travel in a day is 20km. The carbon emission in a day is 2.6kg. In a week I have 5 lectures day that means in a week the carbon emission is 13kg and total up for one semester is 208kg. I spend $15 on fuel for one week and the total cost of fuel for one semester is $240. With additional $50 in once a month for maintenance, it makes the cost for one semester rise which the total become $440 for one semester.

Below will show the calculation;
Fuel in a week = $15
Total of fuel in a semester = $15 x 16 (weeks in a semester)
                                            = $240

(16week = 4month)
Once a month = $50
                        = $50 x 4 (months in a semester)
                        = $200

Total cost in a semester = $240 + $200 = $440

From my house (Gadong) to UBD = about 10km

Carbon emission,
Carbon emission for 10km = 1.3kg
                            For a day = 1.3kg x 2 (go to UBD and return back home)
                                             = 2.6kg
                            Per week = 2.6 x 5 (my lecture in a week)
                                             = 13kg
                      In a semester = 13kg x 16 (weeks in a semester)
                                             = 208kg

 By Bus;
From my home (Gadong) to UBD it takes 50 minutes. The bus takes a long distant of road which is about 12km. The carbon emission in a day is 2.4kg which means 12kg in a week. This make the total for one semester is 192kg. I only paid $1 for one travel and another $1 back way to my home. This means if I use a bus I will spend $10 in a week and $160 for one semester. By using this transport I can save $5 in a week and $280 for one semester. Also it can reduce carbon emission 1kg in a week and 16kg for one semester.

Below will show the calculation;
One travel cost = $1
A day cost = $2

Total cost in a week = $2 x 5 (my lecture in a week)
                                  = $10

From my house (Gadong) to UBD = about 12km

Carbon emission,
Per travel = 1.2kg
A day = 1.2kg x 2 = 2.4kg
Per week = 2.4kg x 5 = 12kg
Total in a semester = 12kg x 16 (weeks in a semester)
                                 = 192kg

Save fuel and money if using a bus,
In a week = $15 - $10 
                 = $5
In a semester = $440 - $160
                        = $280

Carbon emission will reduce if travelled by bus,
In a day = 2.6kg -2.4kg
               = 0.2kg
In a week = 13kg -12kg
                 = 1kg
In a semester = 208kg - 192kg
                        = 16kg

By bicycle,
It takes 19 minutes for 3.7 miles with no carbon emission emit and no cost of money at all.

By car,
It takes 11 minutes for 4.0 miles with cost of fuel $115.1 and carbon emission is 0.8kg for a small car.

By bus,
It takes 37 minutes for 4.0 miles with carbon emission 0.7kg.

Even the car is the fastest transport, but it still the highest emits of carbon emission among other transports. Although the bus takes long time to reach it destination,  it release the lowest CO2. It really reliable if using bicycle because it not cost money and also no carbon emission release.

In this website, we can plan our journey and view the maps. It gives useful information such as traffic, public facilities, attraction place and many more. It also provides departure board which is very helpful and easy for tourist to know their next train or bus.

1) By improving  the transport infrastructure.
2) Increase the price of a car.
3) Reducing parking for car or gives high payment of parking for a car.
4) We have to expose to people about the carbon dioxide that emits from our car is the highest rate and also encourage them to use public transport or bicycle.

Date of Experience
3rd September 2010
Venue Experience
From Gadong to UBD
Purpose of Experience
To reduce carbon emission by using public transport.

What was the highlight of the experience?
Using public transport is a good idea to save the environment from pollution of carbon dioxide and also encourage people in order to save their money. 

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
Almost all Bruneian people are using their own car rather than using bus. When I was in the bus, I saw all the passengers are not Bruneian people but the majority is Philippines, Thailand and India. This means that every day a lot of carbon dioxide is release by Bruneian people. They just use their own transport without thinking the surrounding and the effect they have done. If this continues, the temperature will increase and the climate will change become unpredictable. At the end, this will cause global warming . If too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere it will cause a big problem to the world which is not only human, but also to other species.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
I was surprised about the total cost of a car which is more than the total cost of a bus. By using car, the total cost in a semester is $440. Meanwhile by using bus, the total cost in a semester is $160. This means if I use bus as my transport I would save some money which is about $280 in a semester.

From my calculation above shown that every $1 dollar I spend on bus will release carbon dioxide. This is same like I bought 1.2kg of carbon dioxide and then throw it away after I reach to my destination.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Try to use bus or bicycle to go anywhere in order to reduce carbon dioxide and climate change. Also if we using public transport it will save budget rather than using our own car.
  1. Avoid using car because it will cost a lot of money and fuel. We have to save fuel rather than wasted it.
  1. Start to plant tree in order to reduce carbon dioxide that release by transport, human, animal and etc. If we are not concern about this, the global warming will occur.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
I will encourage my family and my friend to save the environment by reducing carbon emission. In order to success, I have few ideas which is very useful;
1)    If our sibling/family go to the same place, why not just use one car. This will save budget and reduce carbon emission.
2)   I think using public transport such as bus is not enough to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because it still releases carbon emission. Why not we just start a new way of life by using bicycle to go to everywhere we want.