Sabtu, 13 November 2010


Types of plant that found from both site;

                                                    (Simpur plant)

                                                   (Resam plant)


                                                     (Ixora plant)

                                                    (Putat laut)

Animals/ insects that found from both site;


                                  (A kind of lizard climb up to the tree)

Date of Experience
22nd October 2010 (Diplomatic site) & 5th November 2010 (Mentiri site).
Venue Experience
Diplomatic site & Mentiri site.
Purpose of Experience
To experience jungle trekking and learn about the habitat that lives in the jungle.

What was the highlight of the experience?
The highlight was to teach us on how we can organize our group members and take responsibility on our role. Also to familiar us with different types of plant and try not to pollute the nature with rubbish or other thing.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
In Diplomatic site, before we enter the jungle, I was thinking that we will get lost in the jungle. Because as mention there were 2 people had been lost in the jungle and found after few hours later.
In the jungle we only depend on marker that used by our leader and sweeper. But unfortunately the markers were too small and can’t see it clearly as the colour was almost the same like nature colour. This made us hard to find and takes time to search for the markers.
Our activity was started at the afternoon and finish before the sun fall. As our group didn’t bring touch light, we had made decision that to speed up our walk and just take few stop to rest for energize with drinks.
In the journey, only one of use had face a problem of muscle cramp. But in few minutes later she feels fine and still can walk by itself. Then we came out from the jungle and another of her leg cramp again. Luckily we already came out before the sun fall. We didn’t worry anymore as we already outside of the jungle. I was proud that she still managed to walk even it felt hurt by the cramp. May be this is because she didn’t want to disappoint us and burden to her teammates.

In Mentiri site, as the jungle trekking was postponed to the next week, I was worried that our marker will fall/gone. But luckily the marker were still stick around the tree.
Also I was worried that the tree from above us will fall and hit our group. So I told my group not to touch any trees and try to avoid from bad incident happen.
Another thing was about a pig. In recce day, we found a spot of it eating place. I was worried that if the pig came out and attack us. As we (Islam people) cannot touch it and cannot harm animal. I think it is good ideas for us to climb nearest tree as possible and try not to separate from each other. Luckily we didn’t see a pig in our trekking but only see other animal.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
In Diplomatic site, I’m enjoyed seeing different types of tree that all around and some of the tree had big leaves. I’m surprised that there was rubbish left by last semester of beaca student. This not only makes the landscape worse but also can affect the environment.
I found animal like kind of lizard climb to the tree (picture above). After taking the picture, the animal then gone quickly. I hope that I can see it again because at that time I only can see black like a shadow. Also I cannot identify it because the picture was not clear enough.

In Mentiri site, firstly I was surprised about the place. There has a beautiful view of landscape from the car park. Secondly I was surprised about the trek. Even we had already clear the dead tree from the trek before. But then another dead tree was blocking our way. This made us to find another way to continue our trekking. Thirdly I was surprised to see big tree. Just before, I’m only saw it in TV but this time I’m experience it by myself and see it closely. Lastly, I heard a sound that come from bushes and I ask my group to stop moving. I’m remembered about the pig and try to aware it. But then we saw some kind of lizard move faster in front of me and hide to other bushes.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Team work. Never leave our teammates and do your responsibility that had been given. Also try our best not to burden our own teammate

  1. There were many different types of plant that found in the jungle such as “Tongkat ali”, “Halia”, “Resam”, “Putat laut”, "Simpur", "Ixora" and many more. Also there were many different types of insect that found in the jungle such as Ant, dragon fly, mosquito and many more.

  1. Must have leader /instructor to guide us. This is because we are not familiar at that place and may be we will get lost in the jungle. Also try not to wear short shirt and trouser because you will get scratches after came out from the jungle trekking.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
Even it was tiring activity but I feel happy that we came out from the jungle safely. There were many different types of nature that found in the jungle that can show to other people.
From this experience you will never feel afraid to go into the jungle because you know already what to do like marking onto the tree. Which this will help led you to your way and back to where you start. And also remember to appreciate the nature and not to pollute it.
If people want to see big tree why not we just show them at Mentiri site and they don’t have to waste money to go overseas to see big tree.

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