Selasa, 30 November 2010


Date of Experience
16th November 2010
Venue Experience
Serasa Beach
Purpose of Experience
To experience kayaking.

What was the highlight of the experience?
The highlight was to experience teamwork in the kayaking with our partner and meet other member of BEACA from different group such as Sandpipers, Egrets, Plovers and Curlews.
Before we start kayaking, we were given information on how to do kayaking including on how to position our hand on the paddle.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
I only worry that if the boat flips over in the middle of kayaking. This is because my friend and I can’t swim. Even we wearing the life jacket but we still don’t know what to do if it is happen. But luckily before doing the kayaking, we were given demonstration on how to handle that kind of situation. This makes us to be confident and didn’t feel panic if it is really happen.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
Firstly, I was surprised about the distance for kayaking. It is my first time to experience this kayaking with longest distance of km with only two check point of rest and I could not believe that I can manage to do this kayaking until finished.

Secondly about the trash or rubbish that found at the island. We found many different types of rubbish that washed by the wave and stuck at the island. The rubbish is such as bottle, toys, packaging, soft drinks, containers and many more, but the most one is the plastic bag. We found the plastic bag everywhere at the island and some of it was buried by sand.

Thirdly is about the fish that found at the island. We’re surprised that there were many fish found at the shore. But it is difficult to catch as it can hide in the sand. None of us can catch the fish even we all try together to catch it with many techniques such as using bucket, surround it and slow walking towards it, but the result is disappointed.
After finished the kayaking activity, I saw my legs became red and feel like burn. I thought that it just normal and just ignore it. But at the next day, I cannot standing straight even walking as it feel pain to move. I went to doctor and he said that it was sunburn. Then I remember that I wear short pants in the kayaking activity and only used the sun block on my hands, face and neck. But I forget to give it on my legs.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Use sun block to prevent sun burn. Remember to give sun block to all part of your body before doing the kayaking activity especially to the expose part such as hands, face, neck and legs. If not you will feel suffer as I did already experience it. It will make you difficult to concentrate on your reading for the exam as it feel itchy and hot like hot water touch to your skin.

  1. Never panic if the boat flip over or something happen in the middle of kayaking. Try to calm down and try to solve it by yourself as you already learn it from the demonstration before the kayaking was started.  

  1. Try not to pollute the environment with rubbish. This is because rubbish can affect the beautiful landscape of the surrounding to become worse. Also some of the rubbish is not good for the environment such as plastic bag.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
I think this is the best water sports for people to experience it. Because it’s not only for fun but also helps to exercise our hands and shoulders. Moreover, you may see the surrounding of the river or sea with beautiful green colour of trees and also birds flying from the island. Even it is tiring activity and made my legs burn but it didn’t let me down to do it again for another kayaking activity.   

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