Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010


Date of Experience
10th October 2010.
Venue Experience
Around the water tank, at back of UBD campus along road from UBD library to back access to UBD.
Purpose of Experience
Learn to plant trees and reduce carbon dioxide.

What was the highlight of the experience?
If carbon dioxide is increases in the atmosphere, it will cause climate change. In order to decrease carbon dioxide, we as human who love nature have to plant many trees and take care of it until it grows well.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
I was worried about the trees that I plant on top of the hill. Which the place was very difficult to dig and hard like a rock.  

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
I was surprised about how to plant a tree. Before the tree is put into the hole, I’ll have to put the two fertilizers in the holes first (which I had already dig), then the tree will be place on top of the two fertilizers and lastly buried the tree root.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Planting a tree is not that easy without tools. By using tools it can make our work faster.

  1. The very important thing is that we have to know about the place first. Whether it is suitable or not for plant. Sometimes the soil is not fertile and we must give the fertilizer.

  1. The tree should have enough sunlight and water, so it will grow well.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
By planting more trees like this, I hope that the carbon dioxide will decreases and no global warming will occur. Also I will try to encourage my family and friends to start planting trees.  

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