Jumaat, 29 Oktober 2010


Date of Experience
15th October 2010
Venue Experience
Wasan Paddy field
Purpose of Experience
Learn how to harvest paddy.

What was the highlight of the experience?
Before we start harvesting paddy, we’re giving information about the different types of paddy and insect. The owner mention that Brunei had it own paddy, which the name of the paddy is Padi Laila. It is the first paddy that produces and plant in Brunei. After that, we go into the paddy field. The owner gives us some explanation on how to cut the paddy and show us the correct way to harvest.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
There were many different types of insect found in the paddy field such as root feeders, leaf feeders, stem feeders, sap-feeders and grain feeders. We’re lucky that there is no leach in the paddy field and no one get injure.

As we go into the paddy field, I was worried about how will we get out from the paddy field which almost all both of my boots was stuck in the mud. But luckily the owner gives us some tips to prevent from stuck in the mud. The owner said that we can steps around the paddy as the land was little harder than the other land.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
Before I entered the Wasan paddy field, I thought that the paddy field was only in a small scale of land. But surprisingly it is bigger than I thought. The paddy field was planted in a very big and wide area of land. I can see that at the right and left side of the road was full by paddy planting. There were too many paddies planted at Wasan paddy field which had made us (our team) difficult to know where the exact paddy that we want to harvest.

There were many different types of paddy at Wasan field such as Padi Wangi sari ( Pandan Wangi), Padi Pusu, Padi Bandul Berminyak, Padi Adan and Padi Laila.

In the working of harvesting, we’re using sickle to cut the paddy. I didn’t realise that we had spent about one and half hour in the paddy field without any break. Surprisingly, we’re didn’t feel tired while doing the work. I feel just like normal and fun. May be just because we’re did it in a team and together go into paddy field.

Amazingly, we’re harvesting the paddy until the two big plastic bags and a small one was full.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Team work. Because if we did it in a team work, it will make our work faster and easier.

  1. The easy way to get out from the muddy field is by twisted our leg, then try to lift up slowly until you feel free to move. The better way to avoid from stuck in the muddy field is by stepping on the top of the root of paddy or step on the surrounding of paddy.

  1. It is difficult to care the paddy until it can be harvest. In order to get a good quality and value of paddy, the most important thing is that the farmer has to protect their plant from insect (pest) and also from animals like birds.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
Growing paddy is not just that easy, we must have patient in order to get benefits.
When I cut the first paddy and hold it in my hand, I feel that the paddy was like my own paddy. Just imagine if the land of the paddy is yours and you will see the paddy blown by the wind. You will feel satisfy because you have done well. This is not only to make money but also to help feed people in Brunei and increase the economy. As we know that oil is our main resource revenue, it is not impossible that paddy will become our second resource revenue.
I will tell people who are interest in paddy about my experience of what I have Learned from this activity.

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