Rabu, 25 Ogos 2010


 Photo taken: 24th August 2010

This is one example of the bad uses of electricity. After finish the lecture, I found out that this room was empty, but the air con still switched on.

This is another example of the bad uses of electricity. There were no people inside the office room, but the air con and the light were still switched on. Moreover, I saw the PC still switched on too. 

This is also another example of the bad uses of electricity which happened in the FASS kitchen. The air con is always switched on. I think it is because of a note that left by someone which saying "Please! Don't switch me off - air con"


This is a good example of office room. There were no people inside, but the light and the air con were switched off.

Date of experience: 24th August 2010
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Purpose of the experience: To find out the usage of electricity in UBD

What was the highlight of the experience?
It is about the usage of electricity, whether we use it in good way (correctly) or bad way (wastage) at the Faculty of Arts and Social Science.

What aspect of experience caused you the most anxiety?
On my way to my lecture in this morning, I found that almost all the classroom air con was still switched on and some of it creates vapour on the window. I also saw the air con was still switched on after the class even there were no people inside.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
I was surprised about my survey because most of it the bad use of electricity. Even there were some information given to save energy on the wall but people still keep doing it.

What were three most important things you learnt from the experience?
1) I realized that, most of the rooms I found were being wasted. Even there were no people in the room.
2) Use the electricity when needed only, and if it is a day time, try to open the window to let in the sunlight.
3) Have to think the effect we use from the electricity. We know that our electricity supply is come from the oil which generates it into electricity. We have to use it wisely rather than wastage if for nothing.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
I will always remember myself and friend to switch off the light and the air con when leaves the class.


Date of experience: 25 August 2010
Venue: Home
Purpose of experience: To create awareness of our surrounding environment.

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
After I see this movie, I was amaze about how the tree, water, oil, gas and etc, created and then found by human. Like the author said that they were connected and cycle each other. As mention in this video, the foundation of oil had change faster to the earth. Oil becomes the most important things in our life. It is use to develop the country and also for our daily use such as car, bus and etc. But unfortunately human use it too much without use it economically. The transportation that we use everyday can increase carbon dioxide gas and this could cause global warming.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
I was surprise about the activities of humans that caused many damage to the earth and threatened many animals. The worse thing is that human only think about them self and didn't think the effect they had made. If they continue this without thinking for the future, the resources will be decreases and may be finish.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
1) We have to control the use of our main resources like oil and gas before it running off.
2) Everything in this world is linked. If one linked broken it may cause unbalance and will affect the ecosystem.
3) Due to human activities, it changes the climate of the atmosphere and the surrounding of the earth into global warming. The temperature become higher and higher every year. Some of the North Pole have melted and made the sea level increases.

What aspect would you include in your future behavior based on your learning from this experience?
In the future, start wisely to use the resources we get from the nature and train our self to go green which it will help to reduce the global warming.

Selasa, 17 Ogos 2010

My blog

Hello, my name is Mohd Airul Arif Bin Awang Damit and register number is 09b1253. I prefer people to call me Airul. I'm a second year student from Faculty of Art and Social Science. My major is in Art and Creative Technology and my breath course for this semester are BEACA, LE-1502 and AH-2402.

Why I choose this BEACA course;
Frankly, the reason I choose this course is because I like to try new things. I heard that this course is different from other course which is more adventurous and fun. Furthermore I like to experience the beautiful surrounding of landscape and nature.

My expectation;
I hope that I can learn something from this course and know more about Brunei environment which will help me for my future. Also I could learn how to appreciate and protect our beautiful landscape.