Isnin, 13 September 2010


In this assignment I'm focusing on travel from my home (Gadong) to UBD by using transport of bus and car. I'm using the nearest bus stop to go to UBD and the number of the bus is 58. In order to get bus I have to wake up early and wait it arrives at bus stop. As mention I have to calculate the cost of fuel, money, maintenance and carbon emission by car compared with by bus.

By Car;
From my home (Gadong) to UBD if using highway it will takes about 13 minutes. The distant of UBD from my place is about 10km which the total of travel in a day is 20km. The carbon emission in a day is 2.6kg. In a week I have 5 lectures day that means in a week the carbon emission is 13kg and total up for one semester is 208kg. I spend $15 on fuel for one week and the total cost of fuel for one semester is $240. With additional $50 in once a month for maintenance, it makes the cost for one semester rise which the total become $440 for one semester.

Below will show the calculation;
Fuel in a week = $15
Total of fuel in a semester = $15 x 16 (weeks in a semester)
                                            = $240

(16week = 4month)
Once a month = $50
                        = $50 x 4 (months in a semester)
                        = $200

Total cost in a semester = $240 + $200 = $440

From my house (Gadong) to UBD = about 10km

Carbon emission,
Carbon emission for 10km = 1.3kg
                            For a day = 1.3kg x 2 (go to UBD and return back home)
                                             = 2.6kg
                            Per week = 2.6 x 5 (my lecture in a week)
                                             = 13kg
                      In a semester = 13kg x 16 (weeks in a semester)
                                             = 208kg

 By Bus;
From my home (Gadong) to UBD it takes 50 minutes. The bus takes a long distant of road which is about 12km. The carbon emission in a day is 2.4kg which means 12kg in a week. This make the total for one semester is 192kg. I only paid $1 for one travel and another $1 back way to my home. This means if I use a bus I will spend $10 in a week and $160 for one semester. By using this transport I can save $5 in a week and $280 for one semester. Also it can reduce carbon emission 1kg in a week and 16kg for one semester.

Below will show the calculation;
One travel cost = $1
A day cost = $2

Total cost in a week = $2 x 5 (my lecture in a week)
                                  = $10

From my house (Gadong) to UBD = about 12km

Carbon emission,
Per travel = 1.2kg
A day = 1.2kg x 2 = 2.4kg
Per week = 2.4kg x 5 = 12kg
Total in a semester = 12kg x 16 (weeks in a semester)
                                 = 192kg

Save fuel and money if using a bus,
In a week = $15 - $10 
                 = $5
In a semester = $440 - $160
                        = $280

Carbon emission will reduce if travelled by bus,
In a day = 2.6kg -2.4kg
               = 0.2kg
In a week = 13kg -12kg
                 = 1kg
In a semester = 208kg - 192kg
                        = 16kg

By bicycle,
It takes 19 minutes for 3.7 miles with no carbon emission emit and no cost of money at all.

By car,
It takes 11 minutes for 4.0 miles with cost of fuel $115.1 and carbon emission is 0.8kg for a small car.

By bus,
It takes 37 minutes for 4.0 miles with carbon emission 0.7kg.

Even the car is the fastest transport, but it still the highest emits of carbon emission among other transports. Although the bus takes long time to reach it destination,  it release the lowest CO2. It really reliable if using bicycle because it not cost money and also no carbon emission release.

In this website, we can plan our journey and view the maps. It gives useful information such as traffic, public facilities, attraction place and many more. It also provides departure board which is very helpful and easy for tourist to know their next train or bus.

1) By improving  the transport infrastructure.
2) Increase the price of a car.
3) Reducing parking for car or gives high payment of parking for a car.
4) We have to expose to people about the carbon dioxide that emits from our car is the highest rate and also encourage them to use public transport or bicycle.

Date of Experience
3rd September 2010
Venue Experience
From Gadong to UBD
Purpose of Experience
To reduce carbon emission by using public transport.

What was the highlight of the experience?
Using public transport is a good idea to save the environment from pollution of carbon dioxide and also encourage people in order to save their money. 

What aspect of the experience caused you the most anxiety?
Almost all Bruneian people are using their own car rather than using bus. When I was in the bus, I saw all the passengers are not Bruneian people but the majority is Philippines, Thailand and India. This means that every day a lot of carbon dioxide is release by Bruneian people. They just use their own transport without thinking the surrounding and the effect they have done. If this continues, the temperature will increase and the climate will change become unpredictable. At the end, this will cause global warming . If too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere it will cause a big problem to the world which is not only human, but also to other species.

Was there any aspect of the experience that surprised you?
I was surprised about the total cost of a car which is more than the total cost of a bus. By using car, the total cost in a semester is $440. Meanwhile by using bus, the total cost in a semester is $160. This means if I use bus as my transport I would save some money which is about $280 in a semester.

From my calculation above shown that every $1 dollar I spend on bus will release carbon dioxide. This is same like I bought 1.2kg of carbon dioxide and then throw it away after I reach to my destination.

What were the three most important things you learnt from the experience?
  1. Try to use bus or bicycle to go anywhere in order to reduce carbon dioxide and climate change. Also if we using public transport it will save budget rather than using our own car.
  1. Avoid using car because it will cost a lot of money and fuel. We have to save fuel rather than wasted it.
  1. Start to plant tree in order to reduce carbon dioxide that release by transport, human, animal and etc. If we are not concern about this, the global warming will occur.

Which aspects would you include in your future behaviour based on your learning from this experience?
I will encourage my family and my friend to save the environment by reducing carbon emission. In order to success, I have few ideas which is very useful;
1)    If our sibling/family go to the same place, why not just use one car. This will save budget and reduce carbon emission.
2)   I think using public transport such as bus is not enough to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because it still releases carbon emission. Why not we just start a new way of life by using bicycle to go to everywhere we want.